

Composition :

Each 5ml contains extract of
Adhadota vasica : 4.17 gm
Cinnamommum zeylancium : 10.42 gm
Piper longum : 10.42 gm
and other ingredients

Indication :

Expectorant. Bronchodialator, Cough, Cold, Bronchial asthma, Mucolytic & smokers cough.

Dosage :

Adult : 4 teaspoonful with a little warm water 3 to 4 times daily. Children : 2 teaspoonful with a little warm water 3 to 4 times daily. Infant: 4 to 5 drops with a little warm water 3 to 4 times daily. or as directed by the physician .

Ref :

Bangladesh National Ayurvedic Formulary
